
To access the Helpdesk system of the Department:

  FAQ IT Services

Open ticket in section "SERVIZI INFORMATICI::1 Account e servizi di rete":

  • Problems with department accounts (see instructions)
  • Request and renewal of University e-mail boxes for Unstructured Personnel (see Information about account
  • Request for activation of a dedicated wireless network for a conference or other event
  • Problems of wired or wireless network connectivity in place or remotely to departmental device
  • Configuration problems or access to the Eduroam wireless network (see Eduroam)
  • Requests for email aliases (group addresses, not individual) or problems with the functioning of departmental mail (
  • Microsoft Imagine account inquiries (all content can be accessed online by going to the Microsoft Imagine page of the Department of Industrial Engineering: Write in the object: "Microsoft Imagine - account request

Open ticket section "SERVIZI INFORMATICI::2 Acquisti hardware e software":

  • Purchase of hardware equipment (pc, laptop, NAS, external disk, ecc.)
  • Purchare or renewal of software licenses

Open ticket in section "SERVIZI INFORMATICI::3 Assistenza hardware/software, malfunzionamenti":

  • Hardware failure (PC, laptop, etc.), PC reinstallation, installation or software update, printer failure or toner out, hardware equipment disposal
  • Hardware equipment for new PTA station

Open ticket in section "SERVIZI INFORMATICI::4 Siti e applicativi web":

  • News in Department website
  • Changes or addition in Department website
  • Problems of access to restricted areas of the Department website
  • Thesis upload issues and graduate student presentations
  • Technical problems in Department applications (justifications, education visits, holidays / permits, etc.)

Open ticket in section "SERVIZI INFORMATICI::5 Poli didattici":

  • Requests to enable Erasmus students to use computer rooms
  • Installation of a software for lessons or laboratory (before the beginning of the lessons)
  • Problems or special needs in the use of computer rooms
  • Problems of access on pc in computer rooms
  • Information request

N.B. For the booking of the Computational Laboratories DO NOT open a ticket, but enter the booking system of the classrooms. For more information, see  Computational Laboratories page.

Open ticket in section "SERVIZI INFORMATICI::6 Aula Taliercio":

  • Problems or special needs in the use of pc
  • Information requests

Open ticket in section "SERVIZI INFORMATICI::7 Moodle":

  • Information for activation of the course
  • Adding teachers to a course
  • Activation of student accounts without SSO (eg in transfer, Erasmus)
  • Special support requests

Open ticket in section "SERVIZI INFORMATICI::8 Persone DII":

  • Support requests for the Department Access procedure (before opening a ticket, read the FAQ in Access to DII)