Personale docente

Fabrizio Dughiero

Professore ordinario


Indirizzo: VIA G. GRADENIGO, 6/A - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 0498277708


  • Il Lunedi' dalle 9:00 alle 10:00
    presso Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - Via Gradengo 6/a - Saletta Verde
  • Il Martedi' dalle 17:00 alle 18:00
    presso Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - Via Gradengo 6/a - Saletta Verde

Full Professor - Electrical Engineering and Electroheat
Ph.: +39 049 827 7708

Born: 01/02/1964
1988 – Master degree in Electrical Engineering (110/110 cum laude)
2013 – Master in Business Administration at Business School CUOA – Vicenza - Italy

1989 – Military Service (Navy officer)
1990 – R&D Engineer – Marelli Macchine Elettriche - Italy
1991 - Assistant researcher – University of Padova
1998 – Associate professor at Catania university
1999 – Associate professor at Padova University
2012 – full professor at Padova University

2013 – Chair of Energy Engineering Course

He is currently teaching “Electrical Engineering” for the bachelor course of Energy Engineering, “Electroheat” and “PV Science and Technology” fo the master of Electrical Engineering.
The main scientific interests of Fabrizio Dughiero are in the field of Electroheat and in particular in its applications to the industrial and domestic background.
In the last years the research activity is also addressed to the renewable energies and in particular in the use of EPM (Electromagnetic Processing of Materials) in the production chain of Silicon for photovoltaic applications. He was and he is member of several committees and in particular: CT27 of Italian committee of Electriacl engineering (Electroheat) and TC106 of Cenelec.
He was memebr of ESHO (European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology).
He is reviwer for several international journals and he is member of several editorial board of international conferences.
He is scientific responsible of a cooperation agreement between University of Padova and ETS (Ecole de Technologie Supérieure) of Montreal – Canada.
He is scientific responsible of a European Project dealing with the design of new MW oven for a better efficiency and temperature uniformity. He is scientific responsible of a European Project dealing with contour induction hardening of gears for aeronautic applications. He is WP leader in the frame of the Photovoltaic Laboratory of University of Padova, dealing with the design of a special induction heating furnace for the production of multi-crystalline silicon for PV cells.
He is shareholder founder of Inovalab, spin-off company of Padova University, working in the field of Induction Heating as a technology transfer center for industries.
He is author of more than 150 papers presented at international conferences or published in ISI journal and he is coauthor of 8 patents in the field of induction heating.

Download Curriculum_Dughiero.pdf

1. Di Barba P., Dughiero F., Forzan M., Mognaschi M.E., Sieni E.,"New solutions to a multi-objective benchmark problem of induction heating: An application of computational biogeography and evolutionary – 2018 -Archives of Electrical Engineering - 67(1), pp. 139-149

2. Di Barba P., Mognaschi M.E., Bullo M., Dughiero F., Forzan M., Lupi S., Sieni E.,"Field models of induction heating for industrial applications – 2018 - Przeglad Elektrotechniczny - 94(3), pp. 1-5

3. Ongaro A., Campana L.G., De Mattei M., Di Barba P., Dughiero F., Forzan M., Mognaschi M.E., Pellati A., Rossi C.R., Bernardello C., Sieni E.,"Effect of electrode distance in grid electrode: Numerical models and in vitro – 2018 - Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment - 17

4. Bernardis A., Bullo M., Campana L.G., Di Barba P., Dughiero F., Forzan M., Mognaschi M.E., Sgarbossa P., Sieni E.,"Electric field computation and measurements in the electroporation of inhomogeneous samples", 2017 - Open Physics - 15(1), pp. 790-796

5. Wen S., Tan Y., Yuan T., Li P., Forzan M., Jiang D., Dughiero F.,"A model for distribution of iron impurity during silicon purification by directional solidification",2017 - Vacuum 145, pp. 251-257

6. Spizzo F., Sgarbossa P., Sieni E., Semenzato A., Dughiero F., Forzan M., Bertani R., Del Bianco L.,"Synthesis of ferrofluids made of iron oxide nanoflowers: Interplay between carrier fluid and magnetic properties",2017, Nanomaterials - 7(11),373

7. Bianchi C., Bonato P., Dughiero F., Canu P.,"Enhanced power density uniformity for microwave catalytic reactions adopting solid-state generators: Comparison with magnetron technology", 2017 - Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification - 120, pp. 286-300

8. Spezzapria M., Settimi A.G., Pezzato L., Novella M.F., Forzan M., Dughiero F., Bruschi S., Ghiotti A., Brunelli K., Dabalà M.,"Effect of Prior Microstructure and Heating Rate on the Austenitization Kinetics of 39NiCrMo3 Steel", 2017, Steel Research International 88(5),1600267

9. Di Barba P., Dughiero F., Forzan M., Sieni E.,"Handling Sensitivity in multiobjective design optimization of MFH inductors",2017, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - 53(6)

10. Ruggiero M.R., Crich S.G., Sieni E., Sgarbossa P., Forzan M., Cavallari E., Stefania R., Dughiero F., Aime S.,"Magnetic hyperthermia efficiency and 1H-NMR relaxation properties of iron oxide/paclitaxel-loaded PLGA nanoparticles", 2016 Nanotechnology - 27(28)

Electroheat theory and applications - Electromagnetic processing of materials - Hyperthermia and Electroporation for cancer cure - Innovative applications of electroheat technologies in cooking of food - IoT in electro heat processes - Optimization technique applied to the design of electroheat devices and processes

Argomenti inerenti l'elettrotermia:

Dimensionamento di trasformatori in alta frequenza al fine di migliorare il rendimento delle macchine di tempra

Utilizzo del riscaldamento ad induzione per applicazioni su moto da competizione

Utilizzo del riscaldamento ad induzione nelle applicazioni domestiche

Sviluppo di algoritimi di controllo di forni a microonde per applicazioni domestiche

Tempra di ruote dentate ad con il metodo della doppia frequenza simultanea

Argomenti nel settore biomedicale

Utilizzo di nanoparticelle magnetiche nella cura dei tumori

Utilizzo di tecniche di Elettrochemioterpaia nella cura di melanomi

Argomenti nel settore witricity

Studio di sistemi di bobine di campo per la ricarica wireless di auto elettriche

Studio delle bobine di ricezione a bordo di autoveicoli per la ricarica wireless di auto elettriche

problemi di sicurezza dei passeggeri a bordo di auto elettriche durante il periodo di ricarica wireless