Personale docente

Alessandro Francesconi

Professore associato


Indirizzo: VIA VENEZIA, 1 - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 0498276811


  • Appointments may be arranged every day upon e-mail request
  • Il docente riceve su appuntamento concordato via email con qualche giorno di anticipo.

• Associate Professor in the subject "Aerospace Systems" (since 2014)
• Assistant Professor in the subject "Aerospace Systems" (since 2005)
• Post-Doc Research Fellow (Faculty of Engineering, University of Padova, 2001-2004)
• PhD in Space Science and Technologies (University of Padova, 2001)
• Master graduate in Mechanical Engineering (University of Padova, 1998)

Appointments and Rewards
• Member of the International Program Committee of the 65th International Astronautical Congress (IAC, 2014)
• Member of the International Program Committee of the 64th International Astronautical Congress (IAC, 2013)
• Member of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and component of the IAA Permanent Committee on Space Debris (since 2012)
• Member of the International Program Committee of the 63rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC, 2012)
• Member of the Directive Board of the Doctoral School in Science, Technologies and Measurements for Space (University of Padova) - DII delegate in such board
• Member of the Technical Committee of the 11°Hypervelocity Impact Symposium (2010)
• Chairman of the Working Group 3 "Protection" of the Inter Agency Debris Coordination Committee (IADC,, 2009-2010)
• Member of the Working Group 4 "Enabling technologies" for the NASA "International Lunar Network" programme (ILN, 2008-2009)
• Deputy-chairman of the Working Group 3 "Protection" of the Inter Agency Debris Coordination Committee (IADC,, 2007-2008)
• Member of the Hypervelocity Impact Society (HVIS;
• Member of the Technical Committee of the 10° Hypervelocity Impact Symposium (2007)
• Member of the Aeroballistic Range Association (ARA,
• Reviewer for the following journals: Advances on Space Research, Acta Astronautica, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Composite Structures

A complete list of pubications is available in pdf format at the link below.

Download Pubblicazioni_Francesconi.pdf

Reasearch areas

• SPACE DEBRIS- Impact effects on space systems; risk assessment procedures and tools; development of hypervelocity impact facilities and relevant instrumentation; space debris environment sustainability and mitigation; Active Debris Removal mission scenarios and technical solutions.
• SPACECRAFT SYSTEMS. Spacecraft analysis and design using concurrent design methods; attitude dynamics and attitude control hardware; robotic solutions for on-orbit servicing and capture of uncontrolled space objects.

Projects (last 3 years)

• SIMPLIFIED MODELS FOR SPACECRAFT VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENTS IN EARLY DESIGN PHASES - European Space Agency AO7140 with Astrium-F (since 2013). The objective is the development of simplified models for assessing the vulnerability of spacecraft to hypervelocity impacts of space debris, as regards the partial failures of internal components as well as the catastrophic disintegration of the whole vehicle. Role: Project Manager (UNIPD side)
• DEBRIS2 – University of Padova (since 2012). The objective is the experimental and numerical investigation of (1) innovative debris protection systems, (2) novel methodologies to assess the vulnerability of space systems subjected to the space debris threat and (3) technologies fot the long term space debris risk mitigatio, incluse those requested to implement Active Debris Removal operations. Role: project manager
• BETS (BARE ELECTRODYNAMIC TETHERS) - EU FP7-Space-2010 (2011-2013). the objective is to develop a novel technologies for LEO satellites deorbiting using electrodynamic tethers. Role: leader of Task 44 (Survivability of tape tethers to hypervelocity impacts)
• IMBEMUS (IMPACT BEHAVIOUR OF MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS) - University of Padova/ Cariparo Foundation (2011-2013). the objective is to realize numerical models describing the impact behaviour of multifunctional composites for aerospace applications. Role: leader of the experimental activities
• HYPERVELOCITY IMPACTS ON EXPANDABLE PROTECTION FOR SPACE VEHICLES - European Space Agency AO/1-5989/08/NL/RA (2009-2012). The objective was to study innovative debris protection shileds for rigid, inflatable or hybrid pressurized space modules. Role: leader of WP2200 (Momentum transfer and ejecta: Instrumentation conceptual design)
• SPACE DEBRIS PROGRAMME – Italian Space Agency (2006-2011). The objective was to coordinate the italian activities on space debris. Partners: University of Padova, CNR-ISTI (Pisa), University of Roma "La Sapienza", INAF-Institute of Radio-astronomy (Medicina), CNR-ISAC (Bologna), Astronomic Observatory of Torino. Role: Program Manager.
• HYPERVELOCITY IMPACTS ON CFRP PLATES - University of Padova - Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) (2003-2011). The objective was to study the impact behavior of composite plates and sandwich panels for aerospace structures. Role: leader of the experimental activities