Personale docente

Matteo Massaro

Professore associato


Indirizzo: VIA VENEZIA, 1 - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 0498276792


  • Il Lunedi' dalle 16:30 alle 18:30
    presso Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, via Venezia 1, piano 6
    (su appuntamento)

Matteo Massaro is currently Associate Professor with the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padova. He previously held positions as 'Research Fellow' at Oxford University and Padova University, where he graduated with honors in Mechanical Engineering and was granted a PhD in Industrial Engineering. He held 'Visiting Researcher' positions at the Department of Engineering of Cambridge University (UK) and at the Product Development Center of Harley-Davidson Motor Co. (US).

He has been recipients of competitive grants and PI of industrial projects on topics related to vehicle dynamics, multibody modelling, airbag modelling and simulation, driving simulators and aeroelasticity.

He is a member of the board of supervisors of the PhD course in Industrial Engineering of the University of Padova, the head of the vehicle dynamics laboratory and the University Reference (tutor) for the International Student Competition MotoStudent (supported by Moto Engineering Foundation MEF).

He is the author of 80+ scientific papers published in international journals and international conferences. In 2018 he published the book 'Dynamics and Optimal Control of Road Vehicles' with Oxford University Press.
